Tips & Tricks


How to Create a Sub Menu or Drop down Menu in Blog/Website's Menu-bar easily ?

Welcome Visitors
In my last Article I told you about  "How to Customize a Menu-Bar" in Blog/Website >>>Read it Here

Today I will write about to Create a Sub-Menu or a Drop Down Menu bar in you Blog/Website. Because Sometime a Menu-Bar become too long and No-one wants to make his template useless with this mistakes. So in this case "Sub Menu Comes handy".

To create a Sub-Menu or a Drop Down Menu just follow the steps given below.
Use This Code To Create a Sub-Menu or a Drop Down Menu.
<ul class='sub-menu'>
                <li><a href='#'>Shortcodes</a></li>
                <li><a href='#'>Slideshow</a></li>
                <li><a href='#'>Wallpaper Ad</a></li>

1.  Goto > Template
2.  Edit Template
3.  In  Template Click anywhere and then Press (Ctrl+F) and Find for "Menu-Bar" Code It will look like this.

4. Now, Suppose if you want to create a "Sub Menu for HOME Tab" just copy and paste code given above and paste like in Picture and it will create a sub-menu tab.

Hope it Will work and Easily understandable to you. Thanks
Leave a Comment below if you have better solutions.
Tag : Blogging

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