Tips & Tricks


How to calculate the Age between two Dates / Times and show it in a meaningful way?

In this Article I will describe that how to calculate the Age b/w 2 Dates and Times ?

Follow the Steps Given Below:

1. Use the simple formula "A-B" (NewDate - OldDate) just same as we subtract two numerical values, but added with a simple trick... Know how...

we have 
Old Date "May 10, 1985" in cell "B2"
New Date "Jan 01, 2014" in cell "C2"

2. Now the action starts...
In cell "D2" enter the formula =C2-B2
This will return a numerical value "10463" which is infact number of days between two dates, but how to make them more meaningful

excel tips

3. >> Select cell "D2"
4. >> Right Click
5. >> Select "Format Cells"
6. >> Select "Custom" from Category

7. ==>> For Age difference
>> Enter (yy "Years", mm "Months", dd "Days") in "Type" space
It will convert "10463" to "28 Years, 08 Months, 23 Days"

8. ==>> For Time difference (in cell D7)
>> Enter (hh "Hours", mm "Minutes", ss "Seconds") in "Type" space

thats it.

NOTE: Please Let us know if you have a better & simple solution..

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