Tips & Tricks


Some Common Computer Hardware Issues

In this Modern age Everyone knows about Computer even about in every field Computer is Necessary.
When We are using Comptuer no doubt Comptuer is a Machine and it can stop work anytime.
Today I discuss about common comptuer hardware issues that irritates us.

  1. LCD/Moniter Stops giving Display.
This is the common error that we face in our Computers mostly it can force us to pass "Binet Test"
Normally there are four Possible Reasons

  • VGA cable, 
  • Power Supply
  • Ram
  • Processor
Chnage VGA 
If You are facing this then try to clean RAM first and than try if not work
Replace Power Supply

   2. If you have problem with you Powersupply of the computer, there is a solution to know that your powersupply can work more or not by POST test Power On Self Test.

This can be done by using a 4 to 5" thin wire/paper clip
first of all Plug Power Cable of Power-Supply into Switch and than

Take the wire/paper clip and bend it into a 'U' shape. We want the two ends of it to be next to each other, or relatively close.

 now put one end of paper clip into Green wire of PSU and 2nd end to Grey 
Now if your powersupply's fan starts it means your powersupply is OK.

   3. Computer Boots Very Slow or Sometime Not

This can be happen due to USB ports issue if there are more than two usb Devices Mouse, Keyboards or JoyStick etc.
 Or whenever you use USB flash drive to install a software than forget to unplug the USB flash drive and restart the comptuer after while your computer takes too long time to boot. 
To resolve this issue simply Unplug all USB devices by the CPU and then restart the system hope it will work for you too.

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