Tips & Tricks


Facebook Tips and Tricks

  1. How to get chat history from someone who is offline
This is a guide to viewing your chat history with someone who is currently offline. This tutorial is a little bit harder then my other ones and it may be reatively hard to follow so if you have any questions you can post something on the wall of the group and ill get back to you as soon as i can

First go to that persons profile

Second right click on the poke link

For the Third step it depends on what internet browser you are useing.... if you are useing firefox you are going to clcik "Copy Link Location", If you are on Internet Explorer you are gonna click on "Copy Shortcut"

Fourth you are going to open a notepad or word document and you are going to right click and click paste

Fifth you are going to copy the following javascript code and put it in the same document you opened up in during step 4

javascript:buddyList.itemOnClick( ID GOES IN HERE );

Sixth you are going to take the numbers after "id=" and place it in the link above. so it should look something like this.....


***your numbers are going to be different and will vary depending on who's profile you went to

Seventh you are going to take the code you just made and copy and paste it into the url bar and press enter

If you followed the steps above and did everything correctly you will be able to view the chat history of the person you select even if they are currently offline.

(you may have to copy and paste the code into the URL a couple times because it may not always work)

(if the box opens and it is blank, that means facebook has already cleared your chat history)

2. How to appear offline to certain people

In this note i will tell you how to make yourself look offline to a select group of people but still be able to remain online and talking to friends.

First open up facebook chat and click on Friend Lists

Second Create a new list called BlockList (the name can be whatever you want)

Third click on the "edit" link that appears when u highlight the list

Fourth select all the people that you want to appear offline for

Fifth open the facebook chat and click the green and white button next to the list you just created

If you followed the steps above you will appear offline to all of the people you selected in set 4

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