Tips & Tricks


Top Ways to Increase you Blogger/Website Traffic Free of Cost

Blogs have become one of the most fascinating and popular platforms upon which individuals may sell their wares, offer advice or simply journal about their daily lives.

But what is the point of having a blog if no one is going to read it?

There are many reasons why you’d would want to increase the traffic to your blog . It could be for monetary reasons, to gain more public exposure or to show off your skills. Bloggers want to see their sites develop, evolve and grow.

So, how can you get more visitors to your blog?
Here are the Tops ways to Increase Traffic.

1. Build a large following on Twitter
2. Automate the sharing of content on Twitter. (you cannot scale if you don’t do this)
3. Link to your blog on Twitter in your profile
4. Increase your likes on Facebook
5. Link to your blog on Facebook
6. Share your post (including links to it) on Facebook
7. Build an email subscriber list from day one
8. Host a webinar (you can capture many emails when you run a webinar)
9. Create and publish great content
10. Make it easy for people to share your content with a Twitter retweet button

11. Ensure you have a LinkedIn sharing button (there are over 230 million users there)
12. Include a Google+ sharing button even if you don’t use it very much (over half a billion people there!)
       Facebook sharing button is a must
13. Make it easy for people to share your content with a Pinterest sharing button
14. Provide an incentive for people to subscribe to your blog by offering a free ebook in exchange for their          email address and name
15. Place the email subscriber box in a prominent position (top right or even in the top banner)
16. In clude multiple locations for people to subscribe
17. Include an RSS feed option
18. Link to your blog from your YouTube videos and channel
19. Make your blog easy to read (this will keep them loyal and bring them back)

20. Write the best headlines you possibly can
21. Guest blog on larger blogs in your industry
22. Comment on other bloggers articles
23. Reply to comments on your blog posts
24. Interview the influential bloggers in your niche and category
25.Obtain testimonials from influencers in your industry who have a strong social media
      and Lastly you should Ensure your blog can be easily read on mobile devices

I hope It will work for you All. Thanks

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