Some Tweaks and Tips for Windows Mohiyo 10:52 pm Today I will explain some Tips that are used mostly in the Windows Family. :::DONT FO...
What is a Power-Supply & How does it Works? A knowledge based Aticle Mohiyo 3:16 am Definition: A power supply is a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device. It receives power from an el...
How to Increase "LAMP" life of a Multimedia or a Projector? Mohiyo 9:36 pm INTRODUCTION: Lamp life for a projector will vary based on many factors including application, installation, in...
What is "WWW"? & What is the Purpose of It. Mohiyo 7:43 pm INTRODUCTION: The World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW) commonly known as the web) is a sy...
How to Control Someone Else Computer, only for knowledge purpose!!! Mohiyo 8:59 pm Introduction: Everyone wants to Control Others computers and wants to surprise them, but it is not so easy or a kind of m...
Some Firefox Tips, Everyone should know!!! Mohiyo 12:20 am Introduction: Firefox is one of the famous Browsers of the Internet World. Many people wants to learn s...
How many Types of Keyboards we have ??? A knowledge Based Article Mohiyo 12:14 am Introduction: In our Daily Routine we rarely Use keyboard and we know why it is used. But some of us wants to kno...
What is an IP Address and why We need this? A knowledge based Article Mohiyo 12:28 am WHAT IS AN 'IP' or an 'IP address'? An "IP" is an "Internet Protoco...
What can We Do with GOOGLE Instead of Search Websites? Mohiyo 2:41 am Google Search (or Google Web Search) I...
Some Common Printer Problems and Easy Solutions Mohiyo 10:48 pm Introduction Printers: Can't live with them, can't nuke them. You could always toss...
Increase Your Slow Internet Speed By some Simple Methods Mohiyo 1:10 am This article is a tutorial that explains how to speed up Your Internet Using Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 without compromising on features...
How to Unblock Firmly Blocked Sites in Any Country Mohiyo 10:25 pm Introduction: In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) which services the re...